MotoBarakaExam Release dpThe grade eight class of St. Francis Moto Hope Academy sat for the Distinction National Class examination (Moto-Baraka Exam) between 8th-10th March this year (2018).

Mentorship dpOur children at St. Francis Moto Hope Center and Academy had an exciting mentorship day on 10/3/2018.

MHDispensaryOutreach 2Moto Hope Dispensary in partnership with the Beyond Zero Mobile Clinic had their monthly medical outreach in Sirikwa ward of Molo on 2/3/2018.

ICT Training 1The teachers of St. Francis Moto Hope Academy on 2/3/2018 completed their one week training on integrating ICT in teaching and learning.

Visiting day 1Excitement and eager anticipation hang heavily in the air at MHM Academy and Center as the children awaited the arrival of their parents/guardians for the first term visiting day.

computer classes 2

Moto Hope Mission Academy and Center is the first Primary school in the Molo region (Kenya) to install  state of the art point to point wireless network; February 2018.

Tre posterIn line with our environmental conservation goals, we have a tree planting session on 21/04/2018 at St. Francis Moto Hope Center and Academy, Kenya.

mentorship3Our children at St. Francis Moto Hope Center and Academy have their mentorship days scheduled for:

1. 10/03/2018 For Grades 6, 7 & 8.

2. 20th - 22nd April 2018 For 2015,2016,2017 Alumni, and Grades 7 & 8.

Once upon a time

The next "Once Upon a time..." with Verarita session will be on 27/03/2018. At St. Francis Moto Hope Center and Academy, Kenya.

Once upon a timeAt St. Francis Moto Hope Center and Academy, we believe that reading is essential for a child’s success. We have an adequately stocked ultramodern library that is bursting with exciting books for learning and entertainment. Our children enjoy their library/maktaba lessons and their own leisure reading.

September 7, 2017 Sacred Heart Church- Hackensack

September 14,2017 Immaculate Heart of Mary-Crosslake

Updates of progress will be shared.

**Mark your Calendar and hope to see you there.


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