There is no planet B. We have just this ONE and it is our individual and collective responsibility to stand up and take actions that will help protect our planet for ourselves and future generations. Moto Hope believes that both the young and the old have the capacity to actively engage in restoration initiatives and climate actions that will help mitigate and adapt to climate change.

1. Climate Education and Mentorship Initiative

We believe that children and the youth can be well equipped with the tools and skills and mentored to have the right mindset and passion to actively take up roles to mitigate and adapt to climate change. Climate change and environmental risks are already lived realities among the children and youth who go to school at Moto Hope Center.

They are exposed to the impacts of emissions in their own homes, extractions from neighboring quarrying, and environmental degradation. Hence if nurtured and guided from such a tender age and with access to the right opportunities, education, and skills, they can pioneer climate action initiatives as young as they are and throughout their lives and help to save our planet.

How We do it:

a. The Classroom Experience

The daily experiences and the communities that our children and youth come from have exposed them firsthand to the climate crisis being experienced the world over. This is why at Moto Hope, we go beyond the designed regular school curriculum to integrate climate education for all ages from Pre-school, Primary School, and Junior High School students at Moto Hope Academy as well as students from neighboring schools in the community.

Additionally, the alumni of the Academy who are youth in High schools and Tertiary institutions also return to the Academy for School Holiday Mentorship sessions that include climate education. We comprehensively and practically guide these children and youth helping them to understand climate change and environmental degradation and the roles humans have played and continue to play in causing it and what each one must do to solve it.

We mentor and inspire these young people to be change-makers where their community and the climate are concerned to maintain a better world for themselves and generations to come.

b. Community Outreach

We reach out to our community to demystify climate change and equip both men and women with the necessary mindset and skills to take action in their homes and surroundings and their communities at large to collectively mitigate the climate crisis. We shed light on the individual actions that each undertakes that exacerbate the climate crisis and empower them to take the lead in restoring the environment.

2. Climate Restoration Initiative

Through partnerships and collaborations between students, teachers, and the community, we have optimally used the resources at our disposal and tailor-made our products to scale restoration efforts.

How We Do It:

a. Moto Hope Climate Restoration Center

The Moto Hope Climate Restoration Center has greenhouse facilities used for tree seedling nurseries. Once the seedlings have grown to the desired sizes, they are in turn distributed to the local communities to plant and protect. Additionally, the Restoration Center is also a place of hands-on learning for both the students and the community who are equipped with the skills to plant and care for various tree species with the goal that they transfer the same to their own homes and communities.

b. Moto Hope Greening Initiative

We work with the local community, from children to adults in this forest restoration initiative to restore our dwindling forest cover in order to ensure that we protect ecosystems and help mitigate climate change. By producing, planting, and protecting trees, we play our part in allowing nature to reboot itself while restoring our local environment and economy long-term. Moreover, through a partnership with sister company Moto Hope Capital, we offer Tree Nurseries loan facilities that finance reforestation across the country especially in areas most affected by deforestation to help beneficiaries in their reforestation efforts which not only improves the environment but also the economy through job creation.

c. Climate Action Financing

Furthermore, a partnership with sister company Moto Hope Capital’s Climate Action Financing seeks to support mitigation and adaptation actions to address climate change. The financing is needed to adapt to the adverse effects and reduce the impacts of the ever-changing climate. These Climate Action Loans enable low-income earners in rural, peri-urban, and informal settlements to acquire Green energy products for cooking, heating, lighting & agriculture. The financing also goes towards biogas plant installation for agricultural homesteads that have substantial animal and crop waste.


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