PublicSpeaking17It is wonderful to see even our youngest boarding school students win Public Speaking Competitions at the Academy as it happened this Sunday (13/11/2022) at our "Once Upon a Time" Public Speaking Competitions.

funday 5At Moto Hope Academy, we give the "All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy" adage the seriousness it deserves! Play allows children to use their creativity while developing their imagination, dexterity, and physical, cognitive, and emotional strength.

gbreakingjss 1What a joyous and memorable day the 25th of October 2022 will remain to be for Moto Hope! On this day, by God's grace, and the unity of purpose of all who have made it possible, we held the Groundbreaking ceremony for Moto Hope Junior High!

RotaryProgCloseCeremony 15With a great sense of gratitude, fulfillment, and joy, we marked the Molo Kenya Safe Motherhood Maternal and Infant Health Project 2016 Grant closed in a lovely ceremony on 22nd October 2022!

Oct22medicamp 57We are beside ourselves with joy and gratitude thanks to a successful Free Medical Camp at St. Francis Moto Hope Dispensary in Molo, Kenya. The Free Medical Camp of 12th to 15th October 2022 saw the dedicated and passionate visiting Molo Medical Missions Teams of medics cover Surgeries, Podiatric, and Paediatric care, spearheaded by doctors; Chrissy, Stephen, and Zeh and their teams.

DentHygn 20The third school semester was received with much joy and anticipation as the children eagerly looked forward to the presence of visiting Molo Medical Mission Teams from the USA at Moto Hope Center.

2022t2closing 1We held such a beautiful Closing Day Ceremony on 14/9/2022 at the Academy as we came to the long-awaited end of the second school semester of the Academic Year 2022! Students, teachers, and support staff have all done their best to ensure the success of the semester.

readwithus 1At Moto Hope Academy, we nurture confident generations who put their best foot forward to be the best version of themselves! We nurture leaders! Congratulations to the winners of the 11th September Public Speaking Competition ("Once upon a time" Mentorship), all speakers, and all the students for actively participating.

matumainiCH 65On 10/9/2022, Our Grade 3's CBC Community Service project saw them visit Matumaini Children's Home & Rehabilitation Centre on the outskirts of Molo.

grade3funday 39On 9th September 2022, Our Grade 3 children entertained us at the Academy with their CBC (Competency Based Curriculum) Project. They showcased vibrant performances at the Fun Day whose Theme was "Moulding a Patriotic Citizen for Peaceful Co-existence."

septmass 32The spiritual formation of our children at Moto Hope is a top priority in our goal to educate and nurture the whole child.


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