T1Opening 5It is Back to School week and the Academy has been abuzz with excitement! We have so far welcomed 36 new students even as more sit for interviews.

clebrations KCPE 1Congratulations to our Class of 2021 on their exemplary performance in the 2021 Kenya Certificate of Primary Education Examinations! We are super proud of them!

ClosingT3 6We are quite excited to come to the end of the final semester of the 2021 Academic Year. Glory to God!

21Gradtn 115We are grateful to God and super proud of our PP2 Class of 2021! We congratulate them on their graduation to Grade 1 and wish them a great academic journey ahead!

PryrDay 35Thankfully, we have prepared our candidates well for their national examination. This is why we are confident in faith and trust God for their success.

MentCouns 8The students are happy to continue the journey of self-awareness. They had another detailed and interactive Counselling and Mentorship Session last Saturday (5/2/2022). In addition, they also had individual counselling sessions in the afternoon.

OUTJan 7“The best way to conquer stage fright is to know what you’re talking about.” Michael H. Mescon. Moto Hope Academy students sure did know what they were talking about at Sunday (30/1/2022) afternoon's storytelling/public speaking mentorship session, a.k.a "Once upon a time".They covered a variety of topics and literary genres in the exciting, animated, and fun-filled session.

MMMFun 2Friday (21/1/2022) afternoon was all fun and games at the Academy much to our joy!

JanMC 1We are truly excited about the recently concluded Free Surgical and Dental Medical Camp (17th to 21st January 2022). The medical camp recorded great success and it is so fulfilling to have seen the grateful smiles on the faces of all who were served.

T3Opening 1We are excited to welcome our students and staff back at the Academy for the final school semester of Academic Year 2021.

T2ClosingDay 1We are truly grateful to God and to everyone who played their part well in ensuring a successful second school term of Academic Year 2021.


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